Buddleia pruning

4 March 2013

A few posts back I spoke about hoping to cut back our buddleia ‘Blue Knight’ (also called ‘Blue Horizon’). To my delight, we have actually managed to achieve this, due to a couple of hours of very welcome sunshine on Saturday. First, let’s show you what the flowers look like; they are as blue as a buddleia gets, and the colour goes very well with the eyespot on the hindwing of the Peacock butterfly.

Peacock butterfly on buddleia 'Blue Knight'

Peacock on buddleia ‘Blue Knight’

So here are the photos of cutting it back. I forgot to take a shot of the whole bush before we started, but the left-hand shot is of the job half way through, when some of the full height branches were still in place: I estimate they must have been about 12′ (3m) tall. By the time we’d finished, about 3′ (1m) was left, and we probably should have taken it down a bit further still, but there was so many nice leaf buds on one branch, I couldn’t bear to cut them off.

Pruning the buddleia 'Blue Knight'

Pruning the buddleia ‘Blue Knight’

The cat wasn’t impressed – he stayed fast asleep.

Coburn the cat asleep

Coburn asleep

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